Let's Call Her Barbie by Renee Rosen

 Let’s Call Her Barbie reimagines the story of Ruth Handler and her best known invention namely Barbie doll. She was ahead of her time with an idea of a doll that wouldn’t imitate mothers but rather bold women who could be anything.

Los Angeles, 1956. Ruth Handler gathers a team of engineers and designers to create a unique doll. She’s had this idea for quite some time and almost gave up on it when she saw this kind of doll in Switzerland. Now, with an example in her hand, she presents it to the team what she wants to recreate. She strongly believes that there is a marketplace for it which is untapped.

Along the way, there are many setbacks, but Ruth’s vision is unwavering. After three years of hard work, it doesn’t get any easier at the Toy Fair in NYC. The buyers are not convinced about a doll that looks like a woman. The Barbie launch is a colossal failure, but Ruth strongly believes in TV commercial. When most would give up, despite the Fair failure, she proceeds with commercial advertisement.

Then, there is something happening behind the scenes, something that no one sees from Mattel group, (created by Ruth and her husband), until there is a flood of orders that can’t be fulfilled.

With the smashing success of Barbie comes an idea of creating a boy doll, and other products associated with the two most famous dolls.

This fascinating story brings a strong woman who took risks when no one else dare doing it, along the way exposing private tensions of Ruth’s family, and other co-workers who took part in creating Barbie doll. Behind the big success, there were many struggles and challenges which are exposed in the story; giving it dimensions and making it feel very real.

Let’s Call Her Barbie is richly imagined. This empowering novel is narrated with fun and crisp prose, turning the pages of the story quickly.

Released in January 2025

Source: Berkley Publisher
