My Notorious Life by Kate Manning

 Inspired by the true story of Ann Trow Lohman, also known as Madame Restell, this is a brilliant depiction of a woman who rises from grim beginnings to the splendor of New York City as a “female physician” for roughly forty years and becoming one of the most controversial women of her time.

NYC, 1860. Axie Muldoon comes from an impoverished Irish family, after being separated from her family, she is provided a roof over her head in exchange for doing household chores. It is a house belonging to the doctor and his wife. She quickly advances from household chores to assisting in the clinic set at the house, arranging the vials, following formulas, using the pill press and the scales. She is told that a specific dosage brings relief, but a bit more might turn fatal. The library at the house serves as her schoolroom where she learns details of anatomy, of afflictions and the procedures to cure them. Soon after, at fourteen, she is apprenticed as assistant to midwife.

Once married, her husband who is an aspiring journalist, always coming up with some catchy words and now using them to sell formulas concocted by Axie for women’s afflictions.

The medicine can be delivered, but then she has women knocking at her door and asking for more than just medicine. The helplessness in women’s eyes pushes her to do something she didn’t want to do.

Then, a knock on the door comes from a man of law.

The character of Axie and her voice are vividly portrayed. We get to know her intimately. Her promise to her mother before she died to unite all siblings stays with her throughout her life. Through her work, when seeing women’s suffering and some dying while giving birth, it makes her not want to have her own child. Because of her controversial work, she attracts attention of officials who want to bring her down. But despite all that she is not capable to stay away from her true calling to help other women, and the security of having money. Being an orphan once makes her vow not to be one again, and with that comes ambition, strong will, and a strong woman who is determined to preserve her freedom.

The time period of limited options for women, their downfall always seen as their fault, the helplessness and the desperation are all vibrantly presented.

With brilliant storytelling, the hungry children of Irish immigrants wandering the streets of New York City catch your attention right away. A gentleman who offers them fresh bread and warm drink keeps you guessing his honest intentions. And the fate of the heroine keeps you engage to the very end.

Released in 2014

Publisher: Scribner
