The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James
This fictional story was inspired by true events, when Jane Austen memoirs were discovered hidden in the attic. The author skillfully weaves a story based on the found memoirs and Jane Austen’s novels bringing the characters and language as almost written by Jane Austen about herself.
The memoirs give an inside to Jane’s family, their situation after her father’s death, her engagement proposals, and her only true love. The last one was mostly fictional, but beautifully imagined and written.
From her memoirs we also learn about her struggle to become a published author. It’s a fact that her inspiration wasn’t the charming city of Bath, but the simple and quiet countryside. Her comfort was not the sought-after balls, but her dear sister - closest friend and confidant.
The author has extensive knowledge of Jane Austen life and her works. She brilliantly bridges what is known with fiction, creating a moving love story where the reader hopes the history could be rewritten to give Jane the love she deserved. The love story is pure fiction, but with the connection of true facts, the reader almost forgets the fictional part.
Also by this author, highly recommend: The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen
The memoirs give an inside to Jane’s family, their situation after her father’s death, her engagement proposals, and her only true love. The last one was mostly fictional, but beautifully imagined and written.
From her memoirs we also learn about her struggle to become a published author. It’s a fact that her inspiration wasn’t the charming city of Bath, but the simple and quiet countryside. Her comfort was not the sought-after balls, but her dear sister - closest friend and confidant.
The author has extensive knowledge of Jane Austen life and her works. She brilliantly bridges what is known with fiction, creating a moving love story where the reader hopes the history could be rewritten to give Jane the love she deserved. The love story is pure fiction, but with the connection of true facts, the reader almost forgets the fictional part.
Also by this author, highly recommend: The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen
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