
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Swan's Nest by Laura McNeal

  The Swan’s Nest brings a fascinating story of two 19th century poets, Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett. In January 1845, Elizabeth has been confined to her room for the past four years by recurrent illness when she receives a letter from another poet she has secretly admired. Robert not only loves her poetry but also declares his love for her. This leads to an affectionate correspondence, but her insecurities delay their meeting in person. Elizabeth’s stronger position, poetically and financially, has her family against Robert. Despite her health and the poetic love, Elizabeth has the strength to defy her family and follow her heart. The story also involves a subplot which explains the financial status of Barrett family. They made their fortune on the backs of slaves at their sugar plantation in Jamaica. It is truly a captivating story written with lyrical prose. Published in March 2024 by Algonquin Books Source: Algonquin Books

The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye by Briony Cameron

  The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye explores the life of a legendary mulatto, queer female pirate who rose from adversity to achieve freedom from the oppressive hands of men. 1655, Santo Domingo: at the age of eleven, Jacquotte begins her apprenticeship on numerous ships as a shipwright. Following the death of her mentor, she takes over the running of the business. She lives with her father and brother, having lost her mother. An unspoken agreement exists between her and her father: he has no money for her dowry, which suites her perfectly as she has no desire to be subservient to a husband. A portion of her earnings is given to her father for “upkeep” as he terms it, and this arrangement allows her to carve out a semblance of freedom for herself. Her life takes a turn when she stumbles upon a letter concerning her father’s past, prompting her to question what secrets he might be hiding. Around the same time, she is summoned by the Governor, who asks her to translate a letter, recognizi