The Phoenix Bride by Natasha Siegel
The Phoenix Bride unfolds the tale of two bereaved individuals, each grappling with feelings of powerlessness and a deep need to be heard. Set in the latter half of the 17th century England, the story opens with Cecilia recounting her her marriage to William Thorowgood and the brief joy it brought her. However, her happiness is swiftly extinguished by the plague that claims her husband, leaving her a bitter widow who harbors resentment towards her environment and, at times, even her sister Margaret. This narrative shifts between Cecilia and David Mendes, a Jewish physician who fled Portugal for England to freely practice his faith. In Portugal, the risks of being a surgeon – and a Jewish one at that – loom large, but England seems the safer option. David quickly becomes friends with Manuel and his family, only to mourn Manuel’s loss to the plague. Then, a letter arrives, summoning him to consult for the ailing Cecilia, whom Margaret has unsuccessfully tried to cure through numero...